Saturday, October 4, 2008

and so it begins...

Normally when I think of blogging, I picture someone wearing plastic framed glasses (you know, those thicker, artsy kinds?), sitting at a table in starbucks on their mac. They're wearing some chic outfit listening to music no one has heard of, writing about...i don't even know. That's why I've avoided this for so long. I felt like I didn't really qualify for this kind of blogging world. But...I have plastic rimmed glasses, and I like starbucks and chic outfits, and i like some music no one has heard of (okay, a few people have), so I guess I qualify. I would like a mac to go with all of this, but that of course is just a dream.

I doubt this will be anything interesting, but i'll try to keep it relatively entertaining, and hopefully I'll keep most of my deep thoughts to myself (yes, they happen gets boring, so i think). Enjoy....or don't :)

I don't particularly have anything else to say today, except that my manager keeps coming to work grumpy and i don't like getting scolded for things that are someone else's fault. My car has also taken a week to get fixed, just for brackets being broken. My dad's car get's 15.6 mpg (that is has this thing that tells me...his car is wicked high tech). Mine gets about 30. Which one would you rather drive everyday?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha, you've slowly evolved into a blogger! and your good at it : ) i will be tuning in regularly. you have a lot of stories to tell! so of course it'll be interesting.